November 16, 2006
It's been a movie filled couple of weeks for me.
The Departed,
The Prestige,
Stranger than Fiction. All were very good. All get the Wincent seal of approval. Coming up, I think Casino Royale is going to turn out well. Daniel Craig is much closer to Connery's bond than the foppish Remington Steele will ever be.
I had meant to post something far timelier around the
Election last week in the US. Life and laziness seem to take over a bit easily though. To rectify that, the ballot measure that I really gravitated towards was that of Stem Cell Research in Missouri. I think the potential from the research is massive. We have
examples from right here in Toronto of some of the exciting new work in this field. I even read some thing in the paper this morning about
heart valves being grown from stem cells and
symptoms from muscular dystrophy being amelioriated in dogs. I understand the concerns of certain groups around this research, especially in regard to the issue of potential human cloning. Instead of straight opposition though, wouldn't it be more productive to provide guidance to reach some middle ground? Science itself doesn't provide a moral framework. It is as it is. It would be nice for other groups to see this as a potential opportunity for a partnership - helping provide the compass that science lacks.
Oh, and it's official. I will be joining Lilly again on November 20th. It was an interesting and slightly surprising process for me. I appreciate the effort and respect I was shown. I'm also amused that almost every time I've gone through this process, someone bringing me in has remarked that he/she: 1) has learned something new and 2) hopes that it never happens that way again.
Posted at 2:38 PM
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