plausible deniability

sophisms to get through the day


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December 21, 2006

Working hard or hardly working?

I had a discussion with someone a little while ago about work productivity. We were in agreement that it's ridiculous that people typically equate looking busy and mere physical presence as a measure of productivity.

It's no secret that my personal style is such that I use a lot of informal communication in my workday. What isn't as apparent is that I manage to get much more information and accomplish objectives much more easily. I find hallway talk much more efficient than the abundance of meetings that punctuate our typical day. On top of that, my work isn't only limited to the confines of core hours, I work when I feel inspired.

Given my working style, I'm pretty impressed by the idea of a Results Only Work Environment. As long as objectives are managed properly, business doesn't suffer and workplace satisfaction goes way up. I'm rather impressed that BestBuy is trying out the ROWE as well as working with six sigma.


I just saw the most ridiculous commercial from GSK. It's for a drug called Requip that helps fight Restless Leg Syndrome. What the hell is restless leg syndrome?!? It's things like this that give Pharma a bad name. Between this and ED, I'm not surprised that people think we make up disease states. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.


Congratulations to all the London Business School R1 admits out there! I can't wait to meet some of my future classmates. Every LBS blog and experience I read about makes me more and more jealous. Just have to hold out 8 more months...

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Posted at 3:49 AM
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an R2 applicant i am..waiting to hear LBs' take on my application ... well i very much agree to the blog aabout the working styles, personally i am also the results kinds guy and feel suffocated if i have to sit and look busy ! :)... hey by the way.. woyld be great in case you can take some time out and lemme know hoe did your interview go ?? what did they ask ? what was the pattern ? your profile.. gmat scores etc ..... would be a great help....
hope that i also make it to LBS and get an opportunity to meeting you there .

  Posted by Blogger Unknown
29/1/07 12:04 PM

Hey Tanmay,

Thanks for the comment. I had my interview last year. I blogged about it philosophically here.

More concretely, it was the longest b-school interview I’ve had, lasting around 2 ½ hours. The interview was really a conversation. Interviewers are given your application and probe around it. Just like any other b-school, know how you and the school contribute to one another.

The one part that everyone notes is the 5 minute impromptu presentation. My question was around whether or not airlines have a corporate responsibility to provide economy seats even though executive class seating is much more profitable. It was good because I had recall having read a newspaper article about that very topic not too long before. One of the people who I talked to this year had a question that related to some topic that had made its rounds in the media as well – it may help to scan the news from time to time to get ideas. I wouldn’t worry if you didn’t though. The presentation isn’t about what you say, rather how you say it. It tests how you build arguments and reason things out.

My big tip? Relax and be yourself. If the school is a fit for you and you are for it, you'll get in.


  Posted by Blogger Wince
29/1/07 1:55 PM

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